Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Life is good!

This week may have not been the best one ever, but it was pretty great! We had a family date night aka mama don't want to cook night to Mexican. Well, it's safe to say that ALL my Mexican eating while pregnant resulted in postive association with the place. Beau had a blast!

Our next big event was heading to Monroe to see Emily and Caroline. We had a mishap on the way there... Resulting in Bubba loosing his tooth and REALLY looking like a bubba in spirit and in truth. So, we turned back around and he headed north to the best dentist there is! 

Beau and I continued our travels on Saturday to visit family and head to the Mardi Gras parade. Beau had a wild night with his Nana and Papa and got drunk on milk and passed out at 7:30. Party animal! 

Getting a picture of these two is hopeless but we never get to see each other so we take what we can get. 

Aunt Emily loving on B! 

Caroline mesmerized waiting for floats.

Fun night!! 

Sunday, we celebrated William's Baptism. It was such a sweet and special time. I am a terrible aunt and failed to take pictures of the precious boy, but he was looking his best. Of course, I teared up in the service. I love our buddy. We ate lunch after and Reba made the best meal ever. I could eat my weight in her yummy cheesy potatoes.  Sunday night, we hung out with Nana Sue and watched some of the Olympics. I missed my calling in life. I should have been an ice dancer. I know that my inner twizzle is spectacular!

We also got our new table!! Bubba's parents got us a table and 6 chairs for Christmas and I AM IN LOVE!!!!

Monday, we played with family some more. Reba, Nana Sue, the girls, and I all got pedicures and it was HEAVEN. My toes are so thankful. Leighton was the most adorable thing ever getting hers done. It was her first experience, and it is safe to say that she is hooked. That's my girl.

In other news, we think our boy B is starting to cut his first tooth. Awesome. What a sweet birthday gift to his mama...But we still love our slightly crabby baby! Hope this week is as good as the last!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Beau says, "Will you be my Valentine?"

Beau gave this Valentine to his teachers at school,  Ms. Camellia and Ms. Arianna.

Beau enjoyed his photo shoot this morning.
It is a GOOD thing I took these pictures on account of the little stinker spit up EVERYWHERE the second I dropped him off at school. Needless to say he is no longer in festive holiday wear. We will try again next year. 
Won't you be Beau's Valentine?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Beau is 5 months old!

I cannot believe my little baby is 5 months old! This is the last month that he will be closer to the day he was born than to one year old! That is crazy to me. He is getting HUGE. So, I figured I should record some stats here so one day I can fill his baby book. If I take after my mother, his baby book will be my project when I am retired and have grandchildren of my own! 

Beau looks like such a big boy these days, and he is SUPER long. I tried to measure the other day, but got all confused. We weighed him at my parents house, and he was almost 17 pounds. I realize now that these are TERRIBLE stats and will help me in no way with the baby book. Ha.

This is a video of him playing the way he does everyday.  He LOVES his playmat and loves whacking things with his Sophie. I always want to remember him at this stage. Fun, but immobile. I feel it is the sweet spot in babyhood.

Happy 5 months little boy! Cannot believe your 1/2 birthday is next month!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello February!

I cannot believe that it is already February! This month will sure be filled with fun. Family birthdays, Mardi Gras, and lots of just "regular" days, but hey, those are fun too!  We already have had some fun this month! We started with a trip to Monroe to visit my daddy for his birthday. Monroe always involves fun and seriously delicious food.

Happy Birthday Papa!! Beau's look says wow, you are OLD. :)

Just a little taste of heaven on earth.

National Signing Day! LSU got a great recruiting class, but Beau is gearing up for NSD 2032.

Beau had a little cold this week, which led to ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTION. Seriously, these were 30 seconds apart. Can we say unstable!

All better today playing with Nana!

Hopefully this weekend brings a lot of rest and some WARM weather! It has been so cold this week! I live in the South for many reasons, but one is an expectation of warm, pleasant weather. 
Get it together Mother Nature!