Sunday, May 11, 2014

On Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas past, present, and future. Today is technically my first real live action Mother's Day. Last Mother's Day, I was in this condition. 

So. Huge. Well, this Mother's Day we won't comment on the *still huge* status. But I do have some other thoughts. Mother's Day is a day when we all are thankful for our mothers. And let me say I feel thankful for both my mother and my mother in law. Probably more on this Mother's Day than any other. As I have started to get just how hard it is to raise a little one. 

In my head and on Pinterest, this is how I believed motherhood would look like: 

Reality hit this morning as I tried to capture our first Mother's Day in photo form: 

And our best: 

Beau with his eyes closed. Faking it till we make it. Picking the picture I look best in, just doing my part to insure future therapy over terrible childhood photos. 

Next, we made it to church. Only to have a blowout in our church clothes and then proceed to get the contents EVERYWHERE, including the wall of the house of The Lord. I know those nursery workers are praying hard for us now. 

But inspite of all of those things, bad pictures and lots of poo, I am so happy and thankful to be Beau's mama. Maybe more so because of all these things. I am so thankful he is mine for this little bit. I am so thankful that I am the one that gets to embarrass him with terrible pictures. 

So happy Mother's Day to all of the moms with real pictures and doo doo on the church walls. I am with you! 
