Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Lovin'

Tomatoes are my love language. I love them. I would eat them everyday. But, I am also a snob, and my Daddy spoiled me with garden fresh tomatoes. Summer is not complete without a fresh tomato. Last night, we went to the Livingston Farmer's Market. It is so so neat. There is tons of fresh food and music and fun for kids. We are definitely planning on making it a weekly tradition. Our dinner was to die for. I love a fresh veggie. I am a farm girl in my spirit.

We came straight home and grilled up a feast. (Well, after collecting Gertie from an unauthorized play date with Jethro). Perfect Summer night, that was hot as BLAZES.

You can't beat fresh food. Go support your local farmer. Your tastebuds will thank you!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weekend Recap

I wanted to post about our fun weekend last weekend. I realize now that we are about as close to this upcoming weekend as we are to the last. But, it was a great weekend and needs to be recorded for posterity.

Bubba and I traveled home to my parent's house to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day. (I may not be punctual, but I do love my parents). We ate great food and spent some good quality time on the back porch.  Food and sitting are my two favorite activities to do at home. Which does make me seem like a glutton, but y'all. Nothing beats Louisiana food. If you disagree, you are just wrong and I am sorry. My dad also used us for some cheap slave labor. I don't judge him. It was smart and cunning.

Being at home also made me miss my brother and his family. In just two weeks, I will get to get my hands on this little baby.  C is precious. And I do believe Kate Middleton would approve of this hat.

After eating and sitting a bunch, we came on home, and I had a much needed pool day with friends. I have the best friends in the whole world, and if you disagree, well, you are wrong. :)  Nothing is more fun to do in Summer than sit outside when it is hot as blazes and talk about world affairs. You know the kind...Suri Cruise and her fashion sense, Dance Moms, the Bachelorette, and all things in Us Weekly. It was a great time of "serious" conversation mixed with an intense "swim workout" or maybe just sitting in the pool and talking.

Continuing with the theme of summer, I am ashamed to admit I ate peach cobbler three times at home (one time may have been breakfast), then I came home and made one with the peaches that Bubba's sister gave us.  YUM.  I declare it is so good I may just die.

This week has been a good one so far. We have been playing hard in those extra hours of light when it cools down to a frigid 93 degrees.

Could the Trio be any more cute. Bows and 4-wheelers.
Lastly, on what has been the longest post on nothing ever... A Gert story.  This dog is not afraid of "The Beast" next door, but is terrified of the vacuum. I found her hiding here.  Weird dog.  Just like her Mama.

Safety in Numbers.
Hope your week is just grand. Looking forward to this weekend when we are headed to Bubba's parent's house. I believe there is more eating and sitting in my future. Life is good.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer then and Summer now

First, before reading any farther, you (hypothetical reader) must not judge me.  This is my first summer, at the tender age of 26, to not officially have "summer."  You know the summer I am talking about.  Sleeping, hanging out, pool trips, trips, laying out, friendship, fun, and magical times.  Now, last summer I was studying for the bar and that was a big pile of not fun, but it still was on my terms.  Sorta.  It was like the "tween" years in life. Not full-grown yet.  

This summer, however, is a legit adult summer.  I think it is weird to me because for the first time in my life I am not thinking on a semester time line.  Because today, well, it is no different than what October will hold.  Sure, that day will have football, but it will also have work and an alarm clock buzz.  I don't hate my job, in fact, I love it.  But that doesn't make a girl forget her love of Summer.  I think that I have loved Summer for so long because of the heat and water and family fun that I am slightly mourning the loss of my childhood.

I recognize that this is an over-dramatic statement.  And, many would suggest that at 26 it is probably time to put big girl panties on and get over it.  But, summer is so magical.  I miss it. BUT, I am also not going down without a fight :).

Grown-ups still have fun. Right? Last night we had some of our best friends over and grilled out.  It was so fun!  Complete with all the summer foods required for a good time: burgers, hot dogs, corn, tomatoes, french fries, ice cream, popsicles, and cookies.  Notice we are a fan of multiple option desserts.  Nights to come together and relax and eat are therapy.  There is something about a summer night, a grill, and friends that makes you thankful for the Summer.  Even if it isn't the same care-free time it has always been.  It seems to blow in with hot air and allow a break.

Before I conclude this share-feelings session, I have to tell a gratuitous Gertie story.  Y'all. Home girl scared us.  Gertie went missing before the cook-out.  This is so strange because she was in our fenced in backyard. Well, our neighbors have a GIGANTIC, albeit nice, dog, Jethro.  They have been smelling and talking through the fence for about two weeks.  Jethro dug a little hole under the fence, and GERT decided it was mighty time for her to go and play with her friend.  THAT WAS 800 TIMES HER SIZE.  Think about the Sandlot dog. We retrieved her and all is well.  I like to think this is an example that shows we are raising a pup with self-esteem.  Look at this girl:

Thinks that she is the size of a Mastiff.

I have high hopes for this Summer.  It is shaping up to be quite nice.  On a small side note, my cousin and resident BFF Ashley is about to pop with Baby Abby.  I am so excited.  I am sending all useless Southern gifts... Monograms galore!

Here's to Summer.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

DMV name change check!

One poor picture later... I officially have a new name! And a picture to haunt me.

Why is it that in all license pictures I have the ability to look slightly drugged?  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One Month Ago...

Was one of if not the best days of my life. We were doing this...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Circus Fun with the Trio!

On Thursday night, Bubba and I had so much fun taking our nieces to the Circus with Bubba's mama!  It was a blast!  I am not sure who was more or the almost 6, 3 and 1/2, and 1 year old.  I felt like I was reliving my childhood.  And shockingly, I still thought it would be so much fun to be a (humane) Elephant Trainer.  I met a circus elephant when I was little named Shirley, and I have been fascinated ever since.  They are just so adorable.  Well, The girls had a blast and were enamored with the sights, sounds, and sugar.  I think that between the three of us (we avoided a sugar high for the baby) we did our best to catch diabetes.

We are excited!

The trio.

The girls are such a huge part of our lives. (In fact, Bubba earned his nickname from these lovely ladies). We are so blessed to live so close to family. We try and get together all the time. The girls always make us laugh and just generally in a better mood. Life through the eyes of kid is always a little brighter. I laughed and laughed at the things they said about the circus. If their plans work out, we will have an acrobat and a dancer in the family. I wouldn't be sad at all about it!

Dancing Queen

Nana had fun too!

Best night! As you can se by the pictures :)

A Sweet Little Girl

For many months, I have read a blog about an amazing little girl named Lucy Krull.  You can read her story here.  She is a tough fighter, who unfortunately appears to be losing her battle with an aggressive form of cancer. First, I wanted to share her story so that as many people could be praying for her as possible. I recognize that my readership is about four people, but that is four more prayers that this child deserves.

Second, I wanted to remember this for years to come.  You see, Lucy's mother has such an honest way of describing her faith and her love for her family.  Even at times when she is at an ultimate low in circumstances, one that quite honestly and selfishly I pray I never have to experience, her love and faith is so clear. I have learned so much by reading this lady's profound words.  The following is an excerpt from Kate, Lucy's mom:

"Thank you for your continued prayers.  I have to admit to all of you that your faith is so much greater than mine.  I have been shamed and humbled by how thousands of  people around the world never stopped praying for a miracle for my Lucy.  I, however, was only able to pray for mercy and no suffering.  Why wasn't I praying for a miracle?  Had I really stopped believing God could provide one?  I'm not sure.  But if I ever had doubts I have been reminded that the child I was ready to bury 4 days ago looked at me today and told me she loved me.  Unsolicited.  Because she does. 

I have faith.  I believe in miracles.  I serve an awesome God.  I will never, ever stop praying for Lucy's miracle."

I will continue to pray for Lucy.  And you should too.  I know there are so many children and people out there suffering, but today Lucy is on my heart.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Beans!!

Dear Beans,

You are such a special little lady. I cannot believe you are five years old!  I still remember you like this:

You are the funniest little girl I know.  I love that we share a love for animals, and allergies.  You have made me laugh since day one.  I always love this picture of you.  I call it white trash Ella.

Happy 1 year!!

Your mama is my best friend, and let me tell you kid... She loves you so much.  I am so lucky to get to be your godmother, because I am pretty sure a cooler kid doesn't exist.

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Now, you have turned into such a grown lady.  You are full of smarts, spunk, and just the right amount of sass.

I wish I could be there to watch you blow out 5 big candles.  I know your party will be so fun.  I miss you beans.  Shake your booty its your birthday!!

Happy 4th Birthday!!

Five is gonna be a great year.  You will get to do so many great things... Become a big sister, start school, and I know you will do great at them all.  So proud of you beans!

Happy Birthday!!! Love you!

Aunt Megan

Thursday, June 7, 2012

H2: The Rest of the Story

In my previous post we discussed days 1-3.  Days 4-6 now?  I think so!

Day 4:

Today was probably one of the best days we have ever had.  We decided to do a charter boat tour of the Napali Coast (which can only be accessed by water or air or long long hike in).  It was absolutely incredible.  The tour usually has about 50 people.  But, just with the luck of the draw we happened to be on a tour with only 10 other people on it.  We got to see the most beautiful views and see some really neat marine life.  We saw wild dolphins a whole large school that just swam along with our boat.  I was in heaven and shouting like a child.  We snorkeled off the reef and swam with sea turtles.  One came about 4 inches from our bodies. I felt like I was in Finding Nemo, and he would take me for a ride.  Now, on to the photographic evidence:

Have you ever seen such clear water?!

I declare. I am in heaven.

This isn't even edited or photoshopped cause like I know how to do that.

Day 5:

After all of our adventures, we took today easy.  We ate by the pool and didn't move from our chairs all day except for a refreshing dip in the pool.  Now, for a side story that will be relevant for our nighttime event.  My "light" beach read was a book that told all about Area 51, but more the military side of the story.  Okay. I may have picked that read thinking it would tell me about aliens.  Well, any time that we (America that is) did a secret mission, it would be under the cover story of "weather research."  Now, pause this story. I promise that this insignificant detail is important to a not quite amazing story that I have now built up too much.  Flair for the dramatic? I think so.  

Since this would be our last night on the island because we were flying out on the red-eye, we decided it would be perfect to catch a luau.  It was incredible!  The dancers were amazing, and the music and singing was live.  This production was far from the luau in The Brady Bunch.

Okay, play on the story about the book.  Kauai has a military base on it.  We met two guys who did research there for a private company.  Well, they explained something about lasers and calibrations of satellites etc.  When I asked what these calculations were for, they replied "weather research!"  Since I am now an expert on secret military talk, I instantly got over excited, convinced myself that they were developing super secret things, and then proceeded to thank them for doing weather research "for America."  Bubba wanted to die.  I humiliated him. Truthfully, I humiliated myself.  But I love a good mystery!

Day 6:

This was our last day on the island.  We ate good and just walked around some little shops.  Took it easy and just mourned the impending loss of the beautiful mountains and ocean.  I haven't expanded much on the food, but it was glorious!  I was in heaven because fish tacos were plentiful, and Bubba was in heaven for the mass amounts of rice.  Seriously, rice is served at every meal.  For breakfast, one may have rice or hash browns.  I found this odd.  Bubba thinks this is how our family should serve breakfast now. 

Happy kids.  Married 1 Week!

Well, the rest is history.  We flew home, and then ran to get Gert!  We missed her.  Once, I even asked Bubba if we could write her a song.  He simply shook his head in shame.  So did she when I sang it to her.

Oh. Mama. You so crazy.

Looking at these pictures makes me want to go back.  Instead, I will finish an episode of Deadliest Catch.



Hulu, Hiking, and Honeymooning

We honeymooned (odd verb) in Kauai, Hawaii.  Let me just say... I. Am. A. Fan.  Our trip was absolutely fantastic and so much fun.  When people ask if we had a good time, I sorta cock my head to the side and think well duh?!  It is the only vacation I have ever been in where I (and Anderson too) got to do absolutely anything we wanted at any time.  It was so nice after planning so much about the wedding to have a week with no plans.  I figured that we would arrive at our resort and eat, drink, and lounge, BUT boy was I wrong! We were both so excited the first day to play and explore, and that never let up. The island was ah-mazing! Here is a quick daily recap.  You know so when I am old and blonde (I am thinking that when I dye my hair to cover the grey its my time in life to fulfill my inner desire for blonde hair) I can remember one of the best weeks of our lives.

Day 1 (I am skipping the travel part):

We took this day at a slow pace.  HA! That meant up at 6. I blame it on the jet lag or pure excitement because this was what we woke up to:

We set out to explore the island a bit in our ride for the week, a big red Jeep.  It did not disappoint.  We saw a HUGE waterfall, snorkeled off the beach in Poipu, relaxed by the pool back at the resort, and Anderson claimed to have eaten the best three meals of his life because each meal included rice. His own heaven.


Day 2:

This is the day in which I became a hiker.  You see, I would say I am in moderate to bad shape.  My last workout was in the 11th grade.  Don't you judge me.  I read in our guide book that this hike we chose was "easy to moderate."  I am here to tell those in guidebook world that they are "liars to blasphemers."  I am a flat lander. I thrive below sea level in humidity so thick you need to chew the air. We trucked it on a 4.5 to 5 mile hike in Waimea Canyon.  It was breath-taking.  I loved every minute that I didn't feel the sensation of possibly throwing up. We had an absolute blast. 

I love this picture.

This is for my Mama. She is scolding me as she reads.

Sexy and we know it.

Day 3: 

This is the day we hiked round 2.  My glutes felt it!  We also sat on a lovely beach that had no one around under a coconut tree.  Ocean to our left and mountains to our right.  I fell asleep for 45 minutes and had no clue.  I am pretty sure the Lord couldn't have hit perfection any more than that place.

This is about 1500 feet above the water. It was so clear you can see the coral

I think that I will conclude here and do part 2... because this is a very long post.  One not for the weak at heart reader :)

