Friday, January 10, 2014

Letters to Beau #3

Dear Beau,

There seems to be no rhyme of reason to the timing of these letters. At first I thought they would come once a month, but they are slightly less frequently than that. You and I have a hard time sticking to a schedule. 

You are now a BIG four month old! You are not only big physically (15.4 lbs and 26" long), but in the last few weeks you have become a baby. This makes your mama SO happy, but also really sad. I can't believe just how quick you are growing up. "They" always say the days are long, but the years are quick, and that's just so true. 

A big new thing that's kinda hard but right for us is you have started school! You love being with the other babies! In fact, you like people watching so much that you have a hard time concentrating on eating and you don't like to sleep for fear of missing out. We don't fault you for that. You come by people watching honestly. 

You are such a sweet little baby. You love to smile at your daddy. You basically light up anytime he looks at you or talks to you. I can't tell you how much I love seeing y'all be buddies. You both are morning people. You wake up smiling and your dad gets you, while I find the will to get out of the bed. 

Talking to your daddy. 

This past month you have started rolling both ways. You play with toys. You laugh. And you love taking it all in. Baby boy you make our days so full. It's so fun watching you grow, but just don't grow too fast! 

To the moon and back, 

Your mama. 

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